Visit and follow the prompts to update and submit your registration forms. You will receive a confirmation email after completing registration. If you do not see the email, please check your spam/junk folders.
You can use your username and password from last year or click on “send new login and password please!” and enter an email address that JDBY-YTT has on file. Note: this is not the same username and password for the Financial Aid portal. Click here for details about applying for Financial Aid.
For any issues with your username, password or other portal questions, please contact the Executive Office. |
Alternatively, you can Contact the Executive Office to request paper registration forms. Note: We will be accepting paper forms until July 25th. After that date, Registration will only be available online.
The following state-required forms must be submitted to complete Admissions:
For children going into Pre-Nursery and Nursery:
For children going into Kindergarten/Pre-1A:
For children going into 2nd Grade: | For children going into 6th Grade:
For new students Pre-1A/K- 8:
Click here to download the Medical Action Plan (MAP) Form
Click here to download the Asthma Action Plan Form
Health forms can be submitted in any of the following ways:
- Uploaded to our registration portal – visit, after logging in, click on the forms upload tab
- Emailed to
- Faxed to 773-465-8982
- Mailed to the JDBY-YTT Executive Office at 6122 N. California Ave. Chicago IL 60659
- Dropped in the Executive Office Mailbox located outside of 6122 N. California Ave.
For any questions regarding the Health Forms and Requirements please Contact the Executive Office
- Dental form must be from an exam performed on or after November 15, 2023
- Eye exam form must be from an exam performed on or after September 1, 2023
- Medical forms must be from an exam on or after September 1, 2023 and with health history completed and signed by a parent
- The policy of the school is for all students to have all state-required vaccinations and immunizations. Only state-recognized medical exemptions will be considered for exceptions, and must be submitted and accepted by the school prior to admittance.
Click here for the JDBY school supply list.
Click here for the YTT school supply list.
Click here for the Pre-Nursery school supply list.
Click here for the Nursery school supply list.
- The Uniform Exchange – contact Mrs. Yosepha Krohn at 773-505-7613 for details or to make an appointment. Depending on availability, each family may receive a limited number of items, with or without providing an exchange. (If you have uniforms that are in good condition that you no longer will need, please donate them to this exchange to be used by other families.)
- Tilboshet, the Chicago uniform store. You can contact them at 773-982-9003 to purchase uniforms.
Busing registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year.
Click here for information.
JUF Rightstart – visit
Illinois Action for Children – Contact Mrs. Oren at or 773-465-8889 ext. 640 or Mrs. Millen at or 773-465-8889 ext. 641.